After a TV interview yesterday @IranInt about events at the Capitol, I've been attacked by both regime/cyberarmy & the opposition. Some ask how I can be against the "protestors" at Capitol but claim to support Iranian activists, & freedoms of expression & association.
If I didn't know some of these activists personally I wouldn't take the argument seriously. But I know they're real people & the issue is important. My answer is simple: Nonviolently raiding a government building like a parliament can be legitimate & justified in a tyranny.
It is one of Gene Sharp's 198 methods of nonviolent action. But the "protestors" in DC were not nonviolent, and America is a democracy. The people have the full spectrum of rights, laws, processes, institutions by which they can vote freely & be heard. They have been heard.
This is why even those like @GLNoronha who manages @USAdarFarsi & is one of Iranians' staunchest allies in the US government, has very overtly broken ranks with the President. Same with many of Republican Party's respected leaders such as @SenatorRomney.
I've written before that Trump admin Iran policy cannot be reason to abandon our reason & conscience. America is hurting. Movements for democracy in Iran & other tyrannies cannot possibly be aided by refusing to see this was an insurrection led by Trump.
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