i'd be interested to know if the events of the past few years, especially 2020-present, have any other social media managers considering changing careers. i don't know how much longer i can do this.
it's not even about the fatigue. it's about my work being inherently tied to facebook and twitter, who have broken any sense i previously had that they were ethical or would do the right thing when called on.
seems like a lot of us feel this way so my big question is: what do we do about it? and i don't mean brands, we already saw how well the facebook "ad boycott" went.

how do we as individuals organize to push for change on these platforms? can we even do that? do we all just quit?
if you successfully got out of social media: what do you do now?
ok so hear me out, what if we all pooled our money and bought a bunch of land somewhere beautiful, and started our own self-sustaining commune? i volunteer to take care of the goats. we will not have internet.
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