Feel obligated to write a hopeful tweet.

Unfortunately, all I come up with, is that we have been told for years that it would come down to this. We were told for years that in order to prevent this from happening again, it must ALL be exposed to the public.
Yesterday we witnessed first hand the greatest piece of evidence that we will ever see regarding this election, the certification of treason. We were meant to see that, it was always scripted in the plan to be seen by the public.

It is something you will never forget seeing.
That is the point. What you witnessed isn’t even going to fully sink in until the public is caught up to speed on what it was that they witnessed. Yes we know, but many I don’t. Once we collectively understand as a nation, that’s when you’ll feel it sink into your gut.
Trump told us yesterday morning that we would see huge evidence yesterday, did you know that he was referring to the public watching [them] fully commit the steal?

I had a feeling that is what he meant, but I kept it to myself.
Yesterday/last night shouldn’t lead you to wanting to give up, it should only further intensify your resolve to take back control.

We knew this day would come.
Now that we witnessed it, and the sting of the century is complete, justice will be served.

President Trump didn’t take the oath he did so that he could just walk out on us at the verge of a socialist takeover. To suggest this is his plan is false and should be common sense.
Buckle up. Remind yourselves of the journey you have been on and all of the moments you saw a Q proof and had your mind blown. Remember all of Trump’s speeches and actions he has made. Remember all of the executive orders. He is still the same guy who demonstrated his...
love for our country and we the people through his actions over the course of the last 4 years. We have watched him come out of situations like this that appeared to be hopeless, as a giant with a magnificent plan nobody had even thought up, do you think this is any different?
And last, I’d like to remind you of two things Trump said recently. The first was at his Georgia rally a couple nights ago, he said to expect “huge things to be released to the public over the next two weeks”. How long do we have until Inauguration Day? Two weeks.
Second was something Trump said in his speech yesterday morning, I’ll end this thread with that quote:

“Today is not the end, it is only the beginning.”

My friends, please remain as strong as you have been. The best is yet to come.
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