The nearest grocery store in my neighborhood is 2.7 miles. If I had to walk it would take a while to get there, then I’d have to carry groceries back. None of this applies to me because I have a car, but I can’t pretend like everyone has the same access that I do.
Imagine your grandmother, or someone you know with a disability, or a mother with three little kids walking that far? The bus can take hours each way and they may not get you far enough to carry all of the groceries without incident or injury.
Let’s not forget about corner stores, they may have some of these items but will charge you much more than I would ever charge if you Could get to a Walmart. My state has everything closing early, if you are someone who must put in more than eight hours
Or works at an odd time of the day, your actual grocery store may be closed because of the pandemic hours. If your kids aren’t in physical school you may run out of food because they’re eating more than normal, and not all schools are providing food all the time due to Covid.
While I sat here and ate my apple, rice cakes, and enjoyed a 24 ounce bottle of filtered ice water for breakfast, I understand that the people across the street from me may be having a bag of chips from the gas station down the street.
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