I unequivocally condemn the violence yesterday and I hope these thugs are placed behind bars where they belong ASAP.

The left doesn't want the mainstream right to condemn the violence, they want us to agree with the left. That's not gonna happen.
If anything it makes me angrier that the left's 1/2 century long march through our institutions has resulted in the complete hollowing-out of institutional trust. Why do you think 1/3 voters believe 2020 was fraudulent? Because the media has lied to them about everything else.
You showed NO civic responsibility when you took over the academy & ed system & taught a generation to hate their country. You showed NO responsible worry about what OVERTLY politicizing public health ("BLM is the exception to corona") would do to trust in heath experts.
You can't just weaponize everything we hold in common for the culture war & turn around and wonder why people don't trust anymore. You abused their trust for decades& drew down the credit on the institutions that kept us stable & whole,& you did it for your own political crusade.
It turns out we NEED a common American identity, community, social trust, and stable institutions trusted across political lines! Whoopsie!
You have a choice: you can continue to believe that millions -NOT the handful who stormed the capitol & should be held accountable, but 1/3-1/2 of the country-are a bunch of irredeemable bigots, or you can begin the hard work accepting responsibility & working to earn back trust.
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