Disclaimer - This will be long and you decided to unfollow, I do understand, but I need to be upfront & clear about a few things.

1) I am a libertarian, I have been for a very long time. Before you question me & call me crazy, please understand what my educational background is
2) My educational background, I have a BA in Econ, w/ a concentration in Marketing, but I majored in Political Science for about half of my collegiate career.

3) I am 42 years old, I have been playing fantasy football since I was 16, yes via the newspaper and I miss newspapers
4) I do not trust our government, haven't in a very long time. I sat in the Capitol & watched a bill being debated & voted into law. It was the most disturbing thing I had seen & I told the clerk that. it was nothing more than adults throwing insults & having a cocktail party
5) I have been friends with folks on the left, the right, in the middle, leaning socialists, and even nihilists, but it's gotten to the point, I don't think that's possible anymore. My best friend is a "bleeding heart liberal" as we say, and I am a "heartless libertarian"...
6) yet we get along and have fun and respect each other. Hell, we even debate and find ways to compromise, makes you wonder how our paid, elected officials who are hired to do such things, yet fail and refuse to, and this is true for BOTH parties.
7) I can't stand hypocrisy. If you had no problem with a Minneapolis police station being burned down while police were told to stand down, or support the Seattle station being taken over but took issue with yesterday, yes you are part of the problem...(cont)
8) On the flip side, if you were screaming and crying about how wrong it was to burn the police station down and that rioters should have been shot or tear-gassed and you stood by and applauded yesterday YOU are also part of the problem. We need to stop being HYPOCRITES
9) I don't want to be political on here, but when I see half the fantasy community rant about politics when they aren't ranting about fantasy it becomes tough. I like to debate, I find we learn more from those we don't agree with than we do agree with...
10) so its tough for me to not welcome a fair and honest discussion or debate. Sadly, on here it rarely happens, insults get lobbed, statements get misconstrued since tone and inflection can't be illustrated through text. On top of that, if aren't of like mind time to unfollow...
11) this is what troubles me the most. Just because I don't support high taxes, or giving more control to the government doesn't make me a nazi or a racist or even a republican for that matter. Just like those of you that support those things aren't commie bastards.
12) we need to have rules that are equally applied to all. I don't give a rats butt what religion/no religion, what race, gender, identification, whatever, I don't care. I am a libertarian, what works for you, works for you and if it's not hurting me it's none of my damn business
13) What I struggle with is why libertarians are so crazy. I mean, should everyone play fantasy football the same way? Just because some wing nuts think we don't need driver's license doesn't mean all libertarians think that...
14) Just like not all democrats want socialism or all repubs being prolife. Stop labeling everyone based on the wing nuts of any party. Hell, we need to stop labeling & grouping period? Isn't that the racism problem, the labeling & grouping of people? Regardless why, ITS WRONG
15) The point of all of this. I am going to bust ass and put out some fire football content. It's my goal and I am going to make it happen.
16) What I am not going to do is make this a political page. If you want to unfollow me because I am a libertarian go for it, kindly let me know so I can unfollow you as well. If me being a libertarian scares you away from my football thoughts, we don't need to interact.
17) this is my last political post on here. I am not going to engage in politics anymore. I am being upfront w/ who I am & what I believe. If you are here on my TL after this, I am going to assume we don't need to talk politics and you are still interested in my football content
18) if this thread bothers you, it's been fun. But I am not going to hide who I am but I am also not going to browbeat anyone into thinking like me or doing what I do. I use football as a getaway, and it's been harder and harder to do so. IMO, we NEED to find some getaways...
19) instead of everyday yelling and complaining and bashing people about politics. None of us knows the battles others are facing. Hardships, challenges, life goals, but we can't expect that it's the same for everyone.
20) I want this to be a fun, maybe unorthodox, football account where you don't have to worry about being bashed, labeled, or insulted. Let's discuss football & different approaches to fantasy & have some fun. I almost shut down this account permanently yesterday. Much Love & ✌️
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