As Mothra currently destroys our beloved city, now is not the time for recriminations. Yes, I did kidnap the twin fairies and they are in this cedar box on my lap, but I have drilled holes for air and now is not the time to play the "blame game."
Frankly, I find accusations that I had anything to do with this, offensive at this trying time. Also, "Mothra Sucks" t-shirts like the one I'm wearing are available for purchase in the rotunda.
Did I mention repeatedly last night on Fox News and elsewhere that MAGA actually means "Mothra and Godzilla Attack!"? Perhaps. But Godzilla rising in the bay, unquenchable fury and fire in his eyes, is purely coincidental.
I am a leader of principle, which is why I will continue to oppose efforts to enhance our Kaiju Defense Command.
I’ve just been informed that my publisher has decided to not go forward with my children’s book “Monster Come Stomp on Me.” So sad to see woke culture claim another victim.
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