I want to be up front that what I'm saying is mostly speculation and that I do not have any definitive proof on this, but....

I do want to add something that can possibly explain *why* there was an abundant amount of South Vietnam flags waving during 6 Jan's US's coup attempt.
Diem is still a widely popular figure among Vietnamese Catholics living in the US and his image with the South Vietnam flag are often commonly seen together.

But I do want to shed light on a less commonly known fact: the CIA approved and aided a coup on him.
Like, let the weight of the fact Diem, who was propped up with the help of the CIA and then later down the road was also killed off by the very same people. This is the kind of person people still glorify in the Vietnamese American Catholic community.
I speak from personal experience, my father, is an incredibly zealous supporter of him.

So I'm not even remotely surprised that the 45th president is so appealing to these same people.
The awareness of how conservative the Vietnamese-American community has always been there.

This is specifically *why* cộng sản is in my profile description: it is a full acknowledgement of how my views completely jive with what the community accepts.
What I do wish people would also understand is that culturally it's set up in such a way that it is very difficult for the new generation to push back on these objectively terrible ideas.
Like, when I say it is a unique challenge, I mean it.

Usually people who have a close relationship with you will be more likely to be swayed. It is worth keeping in mind about the language barrier.
When I'm specifically speaking Vietnamese to my elders, I am condition to speak in a way that makes it clear I am subordinate to them.

ex. I have always referred to myself as 'con' because I'm never speaking to anyone my own age.
At work, despite knowing my uncles' names there's always a brief pause and a moment where I'm trying to hide the fact I stumble at how *weird* it is for me to say their name when talking to other coworkers (default being Bác)
So trying to get them to listen to me presenting my case while admitting I am still subordinate to them is always an uphill battle.
I still have 0 clue how to actually solve this problem and I'm going to have to spend years just trying anything and everything because I don't have a foundation right now to shift this.
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