A thread detailing why schools are not closed (this is not a rant nor a gripe, it is a reflection on reality)....
Schools have had to operate at high speed, with mixed and ever changing decisions landed on them at the drop of a hat.
As of Monday night, when it was declared schools were closed, I can state that I was up until 2am planning my school's approach. Many of my SLT + staff were up late too planning.
The vulnerable/key worker pupil numbers are higher than lockdown 1 + the list of who is a key worker greater than before. Some schools have 40-60% of their student body still in school.
Today I have watched (distanced) multiple face-to-face lessons taking place across my school, in both the primary + secondary phases to KW and vulnerable pupils.
Covid secure systems are still in place, continually reviewed + refined
Workload has exploded, despite the best attempts to keep a lid on it. Staff are teaching pupils in school, they are delivering pre-recorded remote lessons + live remote lessons. In my own setting they are delivering walking talking mocks to exam years too.
PPE remains an issue. Teachers are still working with 15-30 pupils in a room, most without adequate PPE given how infectious the new variant of the virus is.
Schools have had to set up and orchestrate rapid and lateral flow testing systems at speed, using online training materials to support. This has been done incredibly quickly.
Schools have communicated swiftly with key stakeholders, often late at night, to ensure that entire communities understand the messages/messaging in and around education.
Safeguarding and welfare checks are now in full flow. This is a far more time consuming process than checking up on pupils when they are in school.
Regular meetings (albeit on Teams) continue for many schools eg SLT meetings, middle leaders, line management etc
Schools cannot suddenly park curricular design, which is the lifeblood of school improvement. This work has to continue, as does school improvement in general.
Exams, or rather teacher assessed grades, remain a huge concern. Parents and pupils are having to be assured and reassured over this with virtually no information.
Schools continue to need to consider their capitation and funding. Ignore this one at your peril.
Parents have essentially been encouraged to complain about remote learning. Given the number of pupils in school I would almost rather see pupils back in school than face complaints over this. Why is a complaint culture in a pandemic that will increase workload being encouraged.
Still schools can, at some stage in the potentially not too distant future, face an Ofsted. This does not strike me as schools being closed.
Schools are working at high speed, with leaders spinning multiple plates, trying to ensure staff + pupils are safe + pupils can learn via an array of mediums. This is despite a virus that has terrified us all being ever present. I take my hat off to the entire profession.
In short, schools are very much 'not closed.'
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