The 1948 Palestine Partition plan: a thread

In this thread I will demonstrate how the Partition plan for historic Palestine was doomed from the start, as it never accounted for the wishes of the Arab Palestinian majority.
There is a common argument from Zionists and their apologists that "if only the Palestinians accepted the 1948 plan, we would have peace." Aside from the fact that the UN would be dividing your land and people without your consent, the plan clearly favored the Zionist side.
The Arabs in Palestine had always maintained a demographic majority over the settlers. This continued until the 1948 Nakba. Here we can see from census data in the Mandate that Arabs held a comfortable majority over the Zionists even in the face of massive settlement waves.
These maps show the demographic placement of the Jewish and Arab populations in Palestine and the percentage of land ownership. It is interesting to note that only Jaffa (Tel Aviv) hosted a stable Jewish majority in 1945, and even then, most total land was held by Arabs.
The land that the Jewish settlers did own, however, while only about 6% of the total land in Palestine, accounted for 20% of cultivatable land. This meant that the Zionists had already established a precedent of siezing the land fit for development even before the 1948 war.
This report from the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) admits that the demographic makeup of the proposed Zionist state would have had an Arab minority of nearly 50%! This meant that thousands of Arabs would suddenly find themselves in an entity none of them had wanted.
This was something the UNSCOP itself admitted, while also admitting it would be "inevitable in any [partition] plan that does not place the whole of Palestine under the control of the [indigenous] Arabs."
Of course, even looking at the proposed borders, we can see how the plan clearly favors the Zionist side by allowing a continuous entity without any enclaves or enclaves, while the Palestinian side has been divided into three separate regions (Galilee, Gaza, and the West Bank).
This would have made the Palestinian state totally reliant on whichever Arab state it bordered, as only Gaza had access to the sea. The West Bank and Galilee could easily be blockaded and overrun by the Zionist state, which is exactly what happened in 1948.
Now, onto the Jerusalem issue. The Partition plan called for the establishment of Jerusalem as an international city ruled by UN Mandate. Sounds fair, right? Actually, no, not at all.
This was (again) imposing a foreign authority over Palestinian land most likely ruled by the same British administrators that governed the British Mandate. Would one accept a UN Mandate of Istanbul? Or Rome? Beijing? Lima? And why would you? It's your city to govern, not the UN.
So, I hope I have thoroughly demonstrated the flaws of the 1948 Palestinian partition plan in this thread. Any partition of historic Palestine is not and has never been based on the wishes of the Palestinian people, but off of imperialist meddling and Zionist lobbies. Thank you.
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