🇺🇲🇺🇲Roman Empire🇺🇲🇺🇲
The main cause of the fall of the Roman Empire wasn’t one event, but a series of factors and events that caused a steady decline...to eventual collapse.

History will repeat itself when we forget or deny its examples...
1) Conflict between the Emperor and the Senate - Weakening of the emperor’s authority (after Christianity the Emperor was no longer seen as a god), in order to discredit his authority and boost their own credibility creating mini power grabs...
2) Political Corruption - there was never a clear-cut system for choosing a new emperor, leading the ones in power to “sell” the position and votes to the highest bidder.
3) Currency waste and abuse - the Romans were very fond of their prostitutes, orgies and lavish parties, as well as their yearly “games”...this spending was a huge contributing factor for economic decline.
4) Economical Decline - After Marcus Aurelius, the Romans stopped expanding their empire, causing in a decrease of gold coming into the empire. The Romans however kept spending, causing coinmakers to use less gold, decreasing the value of money...
5) Slave labor and price competition - Large, wealthy farm owners used slaves to work their farms, allowing them to farm cheaply, in contrast to smaller farmers who had to pay workmen and couldn't compete. Farmers had to sell their farms, leading to high unemployment.
6) Military spending - Because they wasted so much money and had to defend their borders all the time, the Government focused more on military spending than building houses or other public works, which enraged the people....
7) Military spending part 2 - Many citizens stopped volunteering for the army, forcing the government to employ hired mercenaries, who were expensive, highly unreliable and ended up turning against the Roman Empire...
8) Cease in Technological advancement - The Romans were great engineers, but did not focus on how to produce goods more effectively to provide to their growing population. Along with unemployment, political parties/orgies being held, add hunger to the citizens worry lit the flame
9) Division of Empire - The Roman Empire was divided in a Eastern and Western empire that eventually drifted apart, making the empire easier to manage, but also much weaker and vulnerable to an outside force. Maybe the empire’s rapid expansion was its own downfall in the end.
10) Civil War & Barbarian Invasion - Civil war broke out in Rome and the small Roman army had to focus there, leaving the borders wide open for barbarians to invade. Barbarians made travel unsafe; merchants could not get goods to the cities, leading to the collapse of the empire
11) Who will be the Barbarians to our Rome?
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