đŸ§”Yesterday @DrewHolden360 got really upset about people saying the press has any blame in this mess. I'm a 100% believer that, had the press been giving us facts instead of fueling hatred by only telling facts that give credence to their version of the story (hate Trump 1/12
and his followers because he’s horrible and they’re all white supremacists), America would not be as divided, and we wouldn’t have opened the door for more people to be radicalized.

Drew made a thread about how the press is not at fault at all. I need to point out that 2/12
Drew isn’t like most press or I wouldn’t pay as much attention to him; he tells it like he sees it. Sometimes I cheer him on, sometimes I want to scream
but he’s a fresh face pointing out media failures. So, his complete inability to see what his colleagues have done to 3/12
America blew my mind. I truly expected that he could see what the non-stop bias was doing. As is, I am constantly telling my followers to READ BOTH SIDES (on another platform as I really have very few here). 2 reasons: 4/12
1) READ it (talking heads are nothing but blowhard opinion
2) BOTH SIDES because neither side is giving anyone all the facts.

Personally, I’m reading about 100 sources across the left to right spectrum. I share more right because the left gets amplified by 5/12
media giants like FB, Twitter, and Google
.and people really need to know “the rest of the story,” as the great Paul Harvey used to say.

Today, @tomselliott made a terrific post that I am 100% behind. For months, the most-watched press gave a free pass to those who 6/12
terrorized our cities because of their “cause.” Some businesses in those cities will never reopen; some can’t afford to and some can’t get insurance if they remain where they are.

Today, the press is regularly referring to the bad actors yesterday as “terrorists” in very 7/12
broad strokes, lending credence to the idea that all the 1M+ people who were there to support Trump fall under that heading. Pushing that division further over the line. This is something they’ve been doing since Obama began his run for presidency. It began with a 8/12
simple idea: ‘anyone who disagrees with Obama’s policy ideas is racist’. For 9 years, the press repeatedly label a large swatch of America who did not agree with the ACA as racist and effectively silenced them with that labeling. Today, they’re again working to silence a 9/12
large majority of America. This time, by lumping the 74M+ to voted for Trump in with terrorists.

Until the press is called on their BS, America will further disintegrate into turmoil and chaos
and I don’t know a single American who wants that. 10/12
I’m sure they’re out there, but they’re no one I know.

Tom’s thread here and well worth the read. I like this man’s thoughts and definitely encourage giving him a follow. 11/12 https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1347177401999089666
Drew’s thread is here and not normal Drew or he’d be pointing out media failures and their complicities in the current division. Despite this thread, give him a follow if you enjoy seeing the media compared to itself over time. It’s great! 12/12 https://twitter.com/DrewHolden360/status/1346967132836298754
From this point on will be examples of the difference in treatment by the press...which is exactly what's led to this massive division with half of America being unheard. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1347188340374843393
While I cannot say that these were ANTIFA terrorists....I can say that the media is NOT reporting about the people who attempted to stop this mess (admittedly, not many tried). https://twitter.com/BernardKerik/status/1347046917512028162
Terrorists aren't usually chatting with officers.... https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1346920198461419520
ABC talks of "cleansing" 74M+ people....screenshot in case it disappears....

Bleacher Report turns it into a racial thing, pushing more division.... https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1347045914318303232
Ben echoes my thoughts well...whether you like him or not... https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1347177322261204993?s=19
Media portrayal LAST NIGHT.... https://twitter.com/FabioPatriot17/status/1347135200359280641
Do "terrorists" boo someone doing something wrong and yell at them to NOT do it? https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1347181346419052547
On point....what was done in May in DC absolutely WAS terrorism....but the media refused to report on it. https://twitter.com/Doranimated/status/1346989752910692363
I'm not the only one who sees the difference.... https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/1346919525166559232
EXACTLY! https://twitter.com/thomaschattwill/status/1346968129528848384?s=19
What a great thread on this very topic.... https://twitter.com/kmele/status/1347195307176562688
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