The white nationalist America First/groyper movement, led by Nick Fuentes, was involved in storming the Capitol yesterday, celebrating inside & outside the building. It's long past time to get Nick & the groypers off @Twitter & @OfficialDLive where they spread & profit from hate
Nick Fuentes is a white nationalist whose record of antisemitism & Holocaust denial, virulent misogyny, anti-black racism & xenophobia is well-known. This video shows a tiny sample of the hate speech he spews to thousands of followers on @OfficialDLive
His white nationalist America First/groyper movement turned out in force yesterday. Their distinctive blue 'AF' flags spotted inside the Capitol building. Nick called yesterday's failed coup a 'glorious day' to his 131k followers on @Twitter. Report his account @NickJFuentes
On his way to DC, Nick encouraged his viewers on @OfficialDLive to kill legislators, & made $2800 on that show alone. Please tell DLive CEO @wayncharles to remove this hate from his platform. You can report his show here-
DLive's policies prohibit hate speech & threats. On his way to DC Nick 'joked' about murdering legislators- the next day, rioters stormed the Capitol, some hoping to do just that. Please report Nick's dangerous show on DLive- username nickjfuentes
You can follow @BenLorber8.
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