One of the functions of white supremacy is to make us feel isolated and powerless. It relies on a focus on individual racism instead of the systems that uphold white supremacy.
In order to build a world where BIPOC, poor, and disabled people can live with dignity, respect, and joy, we have to change both individual behavior AND the systems that uphold white supremacy.
This wasn’t just about Donald Trump, this was about the masses who voted for him, and the system that opened the door for to enact racist policies. Across the country, it’s not just about the individual officers who shot Jacob Blake, who killed Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin
and so many others, it’s about the criminal justice system who found no reason to hold their assailants accountable. In Minneapolis, it’s not just about racist Bob Kroll, it’s also about the rank-and-file that reelects him 2-1,
and our city government that chose to fund $8 million for MPD’s militarization and SWAT budget while emergency shelters are full and we’re funding one another’s survival out of our venmos.
But we are so powerful y’all. This summer, we started a worldwide revolution! The people of Georgia showed the power of organizing. We must continue to have real conversations about racism, to get uncomfortable. in order to unlearn patterns of white supremacy.
We need to keep building power on the ground to dismantle the systems that uphold fascism. I see running for mayor as a part of that systemic change process. If you have energy to be a part of that process, please join me. We’re going to build a better world, from the ground up.
You can follow @SheilaFTP.
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