Daily Reminder: Joe Biden is NOT the President-Elect.
In light of DC events yesterday, I know the "2+2=5" crowd will attempt to dismiss above assertion as they & their media allies attempted to do prior to yesterday.
In order to be a President-Elect, one needs to be ELECTED.
There is evidence of SIGNIFICANT election fraud across all of the battleground states. As a Poll Challenger in Detroit, I witnessed the fraud. The media, clueless elected officials, & cowardly judges continue to push mantra that there is no election fraud despite this evidence.
Let me be clear. Until there is a substantive audit of the 2020 election chain of custody for MI, PA, GA, WI, and AZ, those of us who have not succumbed to the Group Think mantra pushing that Joe Biden is the President-Elect will not succumb to that conclusion.
All that we asked for yesterday was an opportunity to voice our concerns and withhold certification of the Presidential Electors until the completion of a substantive audit.
That didn't happen. Why?
Antifa operatives with hammer and sickle tattoos staged a successful "false flag" operation. The media proceeded to use the optics around this operation to falsely portray Trump supporters as part of an attempted coup.
There is an #attemptedcoup, but, as I have repeatedly stated, the perpetrators of coup are those who seek to fundamentally transform #America. Trump supporters, as the slogan "Keep America Great" would suggest, are seeking to preserve all that is praiseworthy about America.
So, if the "Group Think" advocates seek to force me to submit to the concept of a Joe Biden Presidency, they simply need to acquiesce to a substantive audit of the battleground states.
If the audits conclude that there is no election fraud significant enough to overturn the election results, so be it. If America survived 8 years of Barack Obama's presidency, it can probably survive 4 years of Biden.
If, however, the audits conclude that there is significant election fraud in at least three of the battleground states, then we need to proceed with the decertification of the 2020 election.
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