A lot’s been said re Ole’s record vs top 6 this season compared to previous couple of seasons.

Here’s a thread on our win %👇🏽

- This season 👉🏽 P5 3D 2L (not played Liverpool yet) 0% win rate.
- Last season & half 👉🏽 P18 9W 5D 4L (50% win rate)

Let’s break it down - last couple of seasons👇🏽

- Leicester 👉🏽 P3 W3
- Spurs 👉🏽 P3 W2 D1
- City 👉🏽 P3 W2 1L
- Chelsea 👉🏽 P3 W2 1D
- Arsenal 👉🏽 P3 1D 2L (not good)
- Liverpool 👉🏽 P3 2D 1L

Very respectable and impressive record v top 6 sides in Ole’s first season & half #MUFC
During that same period, #MUFC also suffered very poor losses against the so called ‘smaller sides’👇🏽

Lost to:
- Newcastle
- Palace
- West Ham
- Burnley
- Everton (can be considered top 6)
- Wolves

Clear we struggled against low blocks (we knew this).
Fast forward to this season, here is our record v top 6 sides👇🏽

- Leicester👉🏽 1D
- Spurs👉🏽 1L
- City👉🏽 1D
- Chelsea👉🏽 1D
- Arsenal👉🏽 1L
- Liverpool👉🏽 N/A

Alarmingly poor compared to last few seasons #MUFC
However, our record against the ‘smaller’ sides has improved dramatically.

Wins against👇🏽
- Everton
- West Ham
- Saints
- Sheffield Utd
- Wolves (finally)
- Leeds
- Villa

Big improvement #MUFC
So what does this mean? My thoughts👇🏽

- #MUFC much better at breaking down low blocks/sides who sit back
- This is why we currently sit 2nd
- We have better players, so Ole is playing more expansively against top 6 sides
- We enjoyed great success sitting & counter attacking

- Ole is now trying to out play top 6 sides, to dominate possession more
- Problem is we aren’t good enough in possession, nor do we have good enough ball players in key positions
- Rivals have also worked out how to contain us

Final thoughts👇🏽

- Your bread & butter is beating the small sides as that is 26/38 of your games
- However, to have 0 wins in 5 so far against the top is a concern & poor
- We need to be winning these, at least our home ages if we want to challenge deep into the season

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