The Reagan years were absolutely horrible beginning with this:

During the Regan years, the (racial) wealth gap widened astronomically. Why? Regan cut basically every social program supporting people because he fucking sucks h/t @FastCompany.
The Reagan era is in fact the very FOUNDATION of the lunacy we saw yesterday:

- Rupert Murdoch popularity shot up➡️ Fox News
- Rush Limbaugh came out of this era
- GOP loves Reagan

Also Reagan passed legislation, which allows Fox News to continue misinforming people.
Did you know that Ronald and Nancy Reagan let the AIDS crisis kill THOUSANDS (and maybe millions?) until his ~close friend~ got it? No, like this is literally what happened.

Who does this sound like?
Oh and who can forget "trickle down economics" or the idea that if the rich get tax cuts then it will ~trickle down~ to the poor because you know... capitalism or whatever.

They called it Reaganomics. I call it America still getting fucked over for generations on end.
Every single harmful trope against people from the Middle East emerged from this era. Reagan's administration normalized the vilification of Brown people in this country, setting up the War on Terror perfectly.

Iran Contra Affair + the war propaganda = US Middle East presence
Under the Reagan administration, the utter lack of empathy for Black people beyond Jim Crow and Slavery began to take shape in the modern era under the pretense of ~freedom~ and ~liberty~. This was the rhetoric that racist hid behind to preserve white power.
I haven't even touched education yet. After Reagan assumed office, getting an education in the United States got more expensive. When I say he was the worst, I legitimately mean that with my whole chest. @saragoldrickrab may have more to add here.
Oh and I will say this 100% begins with Slavery and the Confederacy, but Reagan's administration is really what introduced us to the modern iterations of these harmful actions and beliefs.

okay, I'm done and my Venmo is @annao1 because #nofreelabor2021
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