Evangelicals, Pastors, Christians, Friends,

Don’t let Sunday pass without talking about what has happened in our nation this week.
Evangelicals have spent so much time and energy denouncing Critical Race Theory, yet we’ve ignored the obvious, even applauded, Christian Nationalism that has risen in our congregations.
Do not be confused, the acts of terrorism yesterday are the fruits of Christian nationalism - violently storming government building confederate flags, a noose, and assault rifles in defense of “freedom.”
When we (Christians) embrace a false persecution complex that equates mask mandates to the reign of Emperor Nero or liken our president to Biblical heroes, terrorism against our own democracy is not a surprising response.
As a Christian, I am absolutely sickened by the Christian flags, wooden crosses, and religious rhetoric used in this terrorist act.
As the American Church, it is time to unequivocally denounce and reject these actions done in the name of our Lord and Savior that are nothing short of blasphemy, mockery, and heresy.
It is time to dismantle systems and imaginations of white supremacy that give power to this chaos and terrorism and enables vitriolic expressions of white rage under the protection of “there are good people on all sides.”
As Dr. Eddie Glaude said a few years ago, “This is us.” We can’t put all the blame on Trump’s shoulders. This is what our nation *and our faith* have become over the course of decades, even centuries - polarized, divided, hateful, isolated.
If we want to move forward from this, especially us evangelicals, we have to acknowledge this reality with mourning and lamentation so that, as James Baldwin says, we may be opened to the better possibility of tomorrow.
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