So many of us in medicine are deeply familiar with the normalization of abhorrent behavior in service of some perceived institutional gain (reputation, skill, productivity). There is a reason this feels so familiar to #MedTwitter
And we are deeply familiar with the resistance we face when we elevate our voices and name it as a problem we are told by the enablers that “he didn’t mean it literally” we are “blowing it out of proportion.” The press faced this as well.
Then one day it inevitably blows up in everyone’s face and they can no longer deny the problem. The support they offer in the moment of the predicable end is meaningless. The time for indignation and action is long past.
Let this be a lesson to each of us to trust our innate wisdom, and let it buttress our bravery when we may be the only ones raising our voice. The culture of Medicine has a long way to go yet. We can be the change.
You can follow @RanaAwdish.
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