What do I think Republicans can learn from this?

- Don't mimic leftwing rhetoric. Don't mimic aggressive politics where you shout accusations without substance.

- Don't elevate people who merely shout angry slogans to the applause of people who think this is activism.
- Decide with data. No more 'If true...' We have to KNOW before we say. Its so easy to get caught up in sharing breaking news. But we have to be the ones to say, 'Stop. Where is this coming from? Where is your proof?'

- No more superhero leaders. Passion needs reason.
- We have to stop letting the fringe dominate the conversation. This is hard. We've taken back a lot of control. But people have to earn our trust. Don't share info from people making exciting claims or doing nothing more than shouting back at Democrats or the left.
- We tried slogans. We tried chants. We got cultists. Every time we try to recreate what works for the left we get crazy cult leaders.

The left values slogans. The media value slogans. We value reason. We have to get back to intellectual activism, laying out our arguments.
- Republicans must stop seeking leftwing approval while also standing up to the aggressive right. Stop fearing the threats of losing the next election because you won't take the most extreme position demanded by the internet.

But we must challenge the left with reason.
- We have to position media bias as unprofessionalism. Like Steeze and AG and Noam and others do and not an issue of fairness.

Rather than 'The media is biased against conservatives' we should position it as 'I have relevant information, why not let the public decide?'
- Conservatives can rebrand from Stop Socialism and Crazy Democrats to being the people to trust for accurate and reasoned arguments.

We shout at each other. I do it too. But regular people only see the shouting. They don't see what we see and they assume CNN is right.
- Challenge with data and evidence. From Republican leaders to the smallest Twitter account, challenge with information.

We do this, but I think we have an opportunity to say, 'We just want truth wherever it leads us. Don't you want that too?'
- Fighting the left's race essentialism with accusations of racism isn't working.

We have to have a united voice that isn't a direct response, 'But white people...' and take the reasoned approach, 'Why do you believe race is involved? Show me your evidence. Explain yourself.'
If we can position the race obsession on the left as unnecessary and divisive, we have a better chance I think of influencing the conversation.

Reject 'Its ok to be white' and replace it with, 'Why does race matter at all?'

Listen to their argument and counter it calmly.
At the same time we should position leftwing activists who fixate on race, like Joy Reid, and say, 'This is the same mindset as the racism we all fought decades ago.'

Its not easy. But we have to make the argument that the focus on race *is* the problem, from all sides.
- Republicans in Congress must agree on a united front of specific issues and how we will respond to them.

The Democrats are effective because they work as a unit.

We need a clear path with actionable achievable goals. Not just 'Fight socialism!!' Detailed, narrow scope issues.
- We need to recognize that the Trump Administration was unique and it redefined and challenged our movement.

We saw active, aggressive and effective organizing and political work. But we didn't anticipate the takeover by the most passionate and shallow figureheads.
- No more conspiracies.

We either demonstrate with proof or we reject it.

No more indulging fantasies of Democrats being handcuffed and marched out of the White House.

Our strength is in research and reasoned arguments.
From day one it splintered us and we judged each other based on conflicting ideals of what our true purpose and identity are. We want the same things but it was filtered through Trump and the new rightwing activism.

I think we were all right at different times.
This goes for me too. We have to start over and regroup. There is now a very clear distinction between MAGA activism, what lots of us hoped MAGA would be and those who never supported it in the first place.

As we saw with our follower dropouts, its become a very clear line.
So we should try to forgive and move forward. We were all right and wrong on different things at different times. But I feel like VP Pence reminded us of who we are inside this fog.

There is now a very real challenge to liberty from an empowered and passionate Democratic party.
The Lincoln Project went too far and the Trump extremists did too.

But those are not the 'sides' to choose from.

MAGA was a movement, not a man.

We can keep that passion for American greatness and liberty without turning it into a movement of passion and outrage.
We have to recognize where we are now.

WE know the rioters do not represent us. The world does not.

Our job is to defend the ideals of liberty, reason and representation. Not fight for the Trump Administration's legacy.

We are a movement seeking real freedom and equality.
- I think we have to move beyond the notion of a tough and emotionless right that laughs at the weak snowflakes who couldn't win a civil war if they tried and push ourselves back to countering leftwing insanity with common sense reasoning.

Empathy matters.
Facts matter more.
We have to reimagine ourselves as a movement of enlightenment and universal advocacy for liberty and equality.

Not just a counter to the left.

We have an amazing platform that just needs to be articulated clearly and often.
Finally, we have to find joy in what we do here.

We must position ourselves away from feeling helpless and targeted, which leads to rebellion and resentment and focus on faith, liberty, the goodness of America, our history and our future.

Be positive.
Be passionate.
Be rational
Remember, its ok to disagree.

We are on the same side. We just have different ideas of how to achieve our goals.

On their own, none have worked as well as we hoped.

Its time for a new start to a movement that is needed now.

Real liberty will attract real people.
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