Wait, so Elizabeth from Knoxville, who claims she was maced after storming the Capitol, was dabbing her eyes with an onion towel?
I mean, are these people stupid? (Rhetorical.)
Did Elizabeth from Knoxville lie about storming the Capitol building to earn MAGA cred but unwittingly incriminate herself in terrorism, or is she really this dim to think onions would help cry the mace out of her peepers? Answers on a postcard.
We must get #oniontowel trending and to the bottom of this
Tracy says she is Elizabeth's relative and that they claim it's ice she's holding, but where the hell has she obtained ice from during riotous insurrection 🤔 https://twitter.com/tracytra/status/1347205495199834116?s=19
Sorry but that's a pretty fucking big, onion-coloured piece of ice
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