A lot of thoughts about this, but the main one is: if he feels this way, imagine how the rest of the country feels. https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1347128871880036353
[CW: abuse] This also makes me think of how abusers, after hurting others, often cry and say "look what you made me do, you have to stay, I need you, don't leave, if you leave I might do something even worse, and it will be your fault"
[CW: abuse] It's such an example of how abusers often try to hold the people they've hurt hostage by citing *their own* pain.
[CW: abuse] Saying "We don't want to rile things up again w/ 25th Am/impeachment" is tiptoeing, trying not to "cause more trauma." But those abused don't "cause" the trauma. The abuser does. Giving him consequences is holding him accountable and saying, enough.
I guess all I want to say is: It does trauma to everyone--the country, each of us, and honestly, even Trump himself--if we pretend this is nothing and that there are consequences.
[CW: abuse] The videos of the rioters breaking into the Capitol and then screaming: "THEY did this to us! We were law-abiding citizens and they made us do this!"... That's a dynamic so many who've experienced abuse will recognize. https://twitter.com/jason_kint/status/1347044066916229122
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