Some interesting historical context to yesterday: Back in 1783, Congress had to flee from Philadelphia after a group of angry soldiers protested outside Independence Hall, where Congress then gathered, over lack of pay. That event led to the creation of Washington, D.C.
The idea behind the federal district was to create neutral ground where the federal government could be fully insulated from the influence of any one state.
Yesterday, though, it was effectively the federal government turning on itself: Trump goaded his most fervent followers into storming the U.S. Capitol, where Congress was gathered to complete a routine part of a fair election.
And when U.S. Capitol police was overrun by Trump insurrectionists, who did they call for assistance? The Metropolitan Police Department, which is D.C.'s local police force.
So, in effect, D.C. police helped save one branch of the federal government from another branch, which had essentially empowered a mob to stop a legal democratic process.
. @TomCottonAR argued last year that D.C. can't become a state because of what happened in 1783. Yet one could argue it was D.C. that helped save the federal legislative branch in which he serves.
Is there any point to this thread? Maybe, maybe not. But history has a funny way of making a point, I suppose.
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