Yesterday was shameful. But we’ve seen this coming for years now. People are rightly demanding we identify the rioters who stormed the capital, but I want to know how many law enforcement officers & military were among the mob? 1/
I ask because for years now we’ve seen numerous examples of cops on white nationalist message boards, spewing hate on Facebook, sharing Donald Trumps filthy lies, shouting COPS FOR TRUMP, all with near impunity. 2/
I’ve seen uniformed cops with MAGA hats, I’ve seen on POLICE message boards for years insinuating that Barack Obama should be hung, that Hillary Clinton be shot, laughing & sharing racist BS, and even ranting with rage that ALL DEMOCRATS are the enemy. 3/
Police officers feeling free to rant on police sites that allow “anonymous” posts. Police officers proudly sporting tattoos identifying themselves as police gangs. Cops making clear their hatred. Very few are ever held accountable.
4/ Weeks ago, many members of law enforcement moved en mass to Parler to join with the conspiracy theorists and Trump cultists, making clear their allegiance is to trump, not truth or our nation.
5/For weeks, these anti-American insurrectionists have made their plans known. Coming to DC to SAVE TRUMP, not America. POTUS incited the crowd all week, even hours before the violence. HE TOLD THE CROWD TO MARCH TO THE CAPITAL
6/and some in the mob were cops. At the grounds of the capital, some police LET THE CROWDS IN. Other cops TOOK SELFIES WITH RIOTERS. So when people shake their heads today and wonder why the security of the US capital failed
7/I will know in my heart that a large part of the failure can be traced to the radicalization of too many cops. There is a cancer in law enforcement, hiding in plain site. You know who the racists and radicals are in your agency. Do something.
8/ Good cops: Hear me. You are complicit if you do not identify these people who shame our profession. Yesterday was a brutal wake up call. There are only traitors and Patriots. Cops better pick a side.
Do not to fall into any both sides trap, that avoids taking a long hard look at ourselves- police. B/c there is not an equivalent to BLM, when police are the ones paid to protect. I'm not defending any rioters, trust me. 9/
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