The left has been practicing identity politics for a long time, to the point of being masters of it. They will use skill to paint anyone of the conservative populist movement as seditious and support of what happened on 1/6/21. (1/???)
Laws will be passed, crack downs will start. The media will echo the messaging of the ones passing the laws and the cracking down. Elections from this point forward will simply be theater. (2/???)
With the entirety of conservative populism now being labeled as a seditious "MAGA Movement" (or some other Trumpism), a message expertly sculpted by decades of practice in identity politics, we're going to see a stronger push of cancel culture of anyone right of center. (3/???)
01/06/2021 was this generations Reichstag Fire of 1933. A disaster used by those in power to seize absolute power. We can still avoid taking that road, but it's an uphill battle, as those in power have more tools in their shed than the American people do (4/???)
Yesterday was the beginning of the American people losing their self determination and agency. (5/5)
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