
This may not be who YOU are, but please stop saying that this isn’t who WE are.
This did not happen out of the blue. This didn’t happen specifically because of Trump (though he certainly enabled and encouraged it)
An even cursory glance at true history would show you that none of this is new.

Muslim ban? See: Alien and Sedition Acts. Babies in cages? See: residential schools. Blatant abuse of White power and privilege? See: gestures everywhere
Watch and listen to how yesterday (and what’s coming, because more is coming) is talked about and presented. Think critically about the premises you’re expected to presume and the definitions you’re expected to agree to; look carefully at what’s considered “given”
Do some compare/contrast work. Remember how, say, Native Americans and others were treated by police while protesting for water and sacred land. Remember how #BLM protesters were treated.
This is who we are. It’s who we’ve always been. It’s *NOT* who we have to be going forward.

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