Prosecuting people for their political affiliations or opinions is anti-democratic abuse of power.
NOT prosecuting indictable crimes is also a political decision. If those crimes include crimes against democracy and abuse of power it is also anti-democratic.
What is the rationale for not prosecuting this administration for its provable crimes? Don't give me meaningless blather about "unity", because NOTHING is going to make a group of 330 million people agree. I can think of three reasons, all political:
1)You're cravenly afraid that supporters of this corrupt regime will erupt in violence. a)That already happened b)If you don't follow the law because you're afraid of their violence, they own you and they are in charge. That's what laws are FOR; keeping might from making right.
2)You're even more cravenly afraid that said supporters will never support your party, participate in your policies, be nice to you. a)They never will, regardless b)if you require their approval to follow the law, ditto as above.
3)Most cravenly of all, you believe in gentlemen's agreement that achieving a certain political level, however fraudulently, puts people in a different class and they somehow don't deserve the same punishment for crimes as others. a)They deserve it more b)you are a comemierda
This is the political equivalent of the dastardly Too Big To Fail approach: an idea that once someone or something is successful enough, famous enough, rich enough, they can do whatever they want, insulated from the consequences. It is anti-democratic and deeply damaging, b/c
Not only will the very rich and powerful proceed to do whatever they want, but the moderately rich &c will do the same in hopes other people will think they are very rich &c, or out of self-delusion. And people who are nowhere close will do anything, risk anything, to get there
because once they do, there will be no consequences to pay.
It creates different classes of citizens, and lawlessness. It is undemocratic.
Stop worrying about unity and divisiveness. Stop getting caught up in bad-faith arguments about free speech or false equivalencies about prosecuting political opponents for made-up crimes. Focus on building a better democracy, and make anti-democratic words & acts indefensible.
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