THREAD: Pence never mattered

1. Recall: None of the authorities or courts in disputed swing-states were interested in looking at the merits of the fraud allegations.

Recall: The swing-states rushed to certify the vote count, despite active court cases and mountains of evidence.
2. So why did these swing-states (five I think it was) recently make written requests, effectively asking Pence to send the vote back to them, so they could decertify and award the vote, and the election, to Trump?
3. The signs of Patriot’s winning are everywhere, however the media narrative continues to distract most people from the invisible war that is taking place.

Today's verification of the election result, confirmed 11.3 as the first marker.

"The only way is the military"
4. Now that we've arrived at January 6, 2021:

a) If Pence verifies the US 2020 election, the Military must step-in as per Sept 12, 2018 Executive Order re Foreign Interference.

However, Trump also has a legal and Presidential responsibility to protect the rights of the people.

b) If Pence does not verify, the disputed states retain the authority of the US election and their recent letters suggest they will award the election to Trump.

Pence’s decision today means absolutely nothing, except that it decided the path to victory for “we the people”.
6. What Pence’s decision actually did, was significantly advance the counter-insurgency operation.


All the compromised authorities, agencies, courts, Governors and compromised people are now out of the way.

Now, it is just the Military and the Civilians.
7. The US Military’s Commander in Chief (Trump) took an oath to protect the people and uphold the Constitution. I have no sense that Trump is about to retreat from his oath.

Call me old fashioned, but I think he will deliver in ways we cannot yet imagine!
8. Now, an enquiring mind should be processing numerous scenarios right now:

- Pence is a white-hat and he just blocked a Deep State counter-strategy;

- Pence is a traitor and corrupt state authorities knew it and are trying to protect themselves before the Military trials;

- Trump’s counter-insurgency operation failed and the US Military are corrupt as well;

- Trump is old and tired and just gave up on what originally motivated him to run in 2016;

All of these scenarios are still in play.
10. The question we must all ask is: “What do I intuit to be taking place right now?”

Whatever you think about Trump - examine the voter-fraud evidence, the 2016 spy-gate evidence, the constant media attacks, the 2018 EO, and all his public speeches.
11. Then ask:

- Is this the legacy Trump intends to leave?
- Why did he subject himself to such humiliation and media torment for 4 years, only to fade away?
- Is corruption slowly being exposed on the earth?
- Is there a spiritual awakening taking place?

- Are massive rallies occurring in many countries on earth?
- Is peace occurring in areas where it hasn’t before?
- Are more people challenging the media narrative?

The bigger election occurring on earth right now is: Evil vs Righteousness?
13. The people of the US have voted and the people of the world have voted.

This legal decision is about to be revealed.

January 6, 2021 will be remembered as one of the greatest days on earth: When the civilians and the Military re-took control of the US Republic.

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