1)This is why I disagree with those who propose we solely focus on current situation, rather than also assessing how we got here. In the vacuum of meaningful analysis, dangerous & fake news is being spun by the govt, as evident in @DonnellyStephen interview today. https://twitter.com/PTHosford/status/1347098789253931009
2) Despite spin, opening hospitality, which serves alcohol, in a country with 1.35 million harmful drinkers & the second highest rate of binge drinking in the world, with known harmful social trends around alcohol use was a profoundly different choice to extending home visits.
3) Experts in NPHET & infectious disease advised against this. Despite govt spin, opinion polls clearly show the public favoured NPHET guidance. These are facts. People can forgive mistakes but the Trump revisionism of @fiannafailparty @FineGael & @greenparty_ie is appalling.
4) The govt has prioritised spin over facts, science & truth. We need strong voices to call them out in politics, in mainstream & social media as their decision making has cost both lives & quality of life. Their consistent inability to reflect on this will cause more harm.
5) It also appears lessons of last election were quickly forgotten, when voters punished govt for their spin on homeless figures & health service. The public see through spin. Lack of political integrity in public life is not and should not be a social norm.
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