White people need to play 'I Spy with my little eyes racist friends and family that I didn't check because I didn't want to be uncomfortable' TODAY.
I Spy with my little eyes Crazy Aunt Suzie who liked too many posts of Tr*mp but I didn't check her because ~that's how she's always been~
I spy with my little eyes, my best friend from high school, Chad, who screamed a bunch of racist shit when we were drunk together but didn't really ~hurt~ anybody
I spy with my little eyes my out of pocket co-worker who is just spewing ~locker room talk~ when he says "those people" and quotes Southpark unprovoked
I spy with my little eyes that one white woman in my neighborhood who was a little to angry that my Black neighbors were moving in.... but she's probably just passionated about ~neighborhood safety~
I spy with my little eyes my "Christian" friends who seem to hate the idea that Jesus was a Brown man from the Middle East but are somehow always on ~mission trips in Africa~

I spy with my little eyes white friends who say the n-word unprovoked and blast hip hop but then get little too upset when they hear the phrase #BLACKLIVESMATTER

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