Yesterday was, very literally, a day that will live in infamy. Our children's children will learn about it in schools - if we're lucky enough to survive long enough as a nation for them to.

It was also totally predictable
You know how I know it was predictable?

I, and many others way wiser than I am, have been predicting it for quite a while. Some of us have faced real consequences for that (looking at you, @MsEntropy - I'd want to break things today, good on you for lauging)
I say all of this as an intro to my broader point: The Senators who, today, are piously wringing their hands and "who-could-have-imagined"-ing about yesterday's events? The ones who went "wait wait wait this is a bridge too far we need to stop this"?

If you have any integrity or self respect left, resign.


I'll even accept "I will serve out my term but won't be running for reelection"

But you need to be done. Done.
You have failed this country, badly. You placed personal political ambition - or, almost as bad, policy ambition - ahead of her health, safety, and unity.
Worse, you failed your constituents. Not just the ones who didn't vote for you, but most prominently and tragically the ones who did.

The ones for whom your recognition that this shit is wrong might have made a difference had you spoken up a week ago. A month ago. In February.
I don't know if doing your duty *would* have stopped it. Counterfactuals are impossible to prove with any certainty.

But it *could have*. And by your willful ignorance, or actual stupidity, or, worse, knowing dereliction of duty, you robbed your country of that chance.
So go.

Please. Put your country first, and go.
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