I think this is the only other thing I'll say about *gestures at yesterday* all that: As a scholar of the period, I want to recommend Claudia Koonz' The Nazi Conscience in the strongest possible terms. Here's why.
What happened in the Nazi regime wasn't the product of people waking up one morning and deciding to do evil things. It was the product of people being formed to believe that doing objectively evil things was, in fact, good.
It was the product of rhetoric, media, teaching, and yes preaching that the greatest threat to the social body (in a very organic sense) was a 'disease' within. And that the greatest civic virtue was to expel the disease for the survival of the body. This is a moral structure.
It's a demonic moral structure, but a moral structure nonetheless. I guess what I want to say above all is that this is a thing you can't fact-check your way out of. It isn't about *bad information.* Let the reader understand.
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