A very partial list of public religion on display yesterday:

A pastor and Jew elected in GA.

Sen. Young arguing with insurrectionists about the meaning of an "oath under God."

Biden's speech.

"Jesus 2020" banners on capitol.

Pelosi's reading of St. Francis' prayer.
Is it possible that vocal, public religion increases among Dems in next few years?


-Young generation of religiously fluent elected officials (AOC, Warnock, etc.)
-Multi-religious coalitions on left.
-Realignment of perceptions about religion's political valence
Maybe not:

-Sizeable share of Dems are "nones," atheists, agnostics.
-Congregations' decreasing importance to Dems' turnout (with major exception of Black Christians)
-Avg. person's discomfort with religion-as-politics
Big question is how religion will work publicly at local level.

-Ceremonial deism seems less prominent at local level.
-"Culture war" religious identities less prominent in local races.
-Many local issues don't resonate with religion: cracked sidewalks, poop in dog parks
This will likely be another rural/urban divide. All likely to have secularized religious traditions (Christmas trees, egg hunts, etc.) The latter possibly having more public religious activity as part of managing diverse democracy and response to religious coalitions.
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