This. And this goes for the MAGAs' ideological brethren the Quitlings over here too. Fascism is an ideology of people who have enough privilege to have spare time to be bored in, but don't have enough internal resources to fill that spare time with something kind or even neutral.
Fascism is what happens when people get resentful that financial security still hasn't made them happy, because it hasn't fixed their awful personalities, and they decide to take their unhappiness out on other people.
Obviously there are fashy arseholes in every stratum of society, but when people point to "working class" fascists, they almost always end up being self-employed people earning fifty grand a year who happen to speak with a regional accent.
This is also why I have no problem describing the Mumchan TERFs as fascists. Because they're the exact same group of privileged white people lashing out at a minority group in order to avoid confronting their own repellent personalities.
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