HAPPENING NOW: The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is hosting a teleconference as it files its formal lawsuit against the Government of New Brunswick and Regulation 84-20 - which limits abortion access in the province.
Taking part:
- Noa Mendelsohn Aviv - CCLA Equality Program Director
- Talayeh Shomali - Education & Community Engmnt Manager
- Dr. Adrian Edgar - Clinic 554 Medical Director
- Tasia Alexopoulos - Abortion Rights Coalition Canada
- Dr. Tobin LeBlanc Haley - Reproductive Justice NB
Noa Mendelsohn Aviv speaking first. Says 90% of women in New Brunswick don't have access to abortion services in their community - which is especially troublesome amid a pandemic, when travel is not advised.

"Today we are marking the beginning of the end," they say.
Says with this lawsuit, they plan to put an end to regulation 84-20. Which they say has been in place for too long.
Dr. Edgar speaking now. He says he's both thankful and saddened by today's developments. Saddened that NB is still restricting this access.

Says he's witnessed first-hand the harms Regulation 84-20 has on residents.
"Why are we still sending patients to hospital, in or out of province, during a pandemic?" Dr. Edgar asks.

Says the same care can be provided more safely at clinics like Clinic 554.

Says thousands of New Brunswickers have been abandoned in their time of need.
He calls on the province to do the right thing and repeal 84-20 rather than fight this lawsuit.
We're now hearing from Tasia Alexopoulo with the Abortion Rights Coalition Canada.

They say they look forward to the day the courts strike down 84-20, providing New Brunswickers the rights people elsewhere have.
And now Dr. Tobin LeBlanc Haley, with Reproductive Justice NB.

Says "activists, advocates and community members" have been clear: Regulation 84-20 violates the rights of New Brunswickers.

Recalls that Premier Higgs said this legal action would be necessary for change.
Says barriers to abortion services have only multiplied under COVID-19.

Says cuts to Maritime Bus services announced this week will make access to abortion (currently provided in two communities) even more difficult.
Asked if the province has responded to the intent to file issued back in the fall, Noa Mendelsohn Aviv says they did - but non-specifically and making it clear they intend to fight.

"It was extremely unsatisfactory," they say.
The lawsuit was served yesterday - using a dropbox system in place amid the pandemic. The court confirmed receipt yesterday and the CCLA expects a stamped copy back today.
Asked how many abortions Dr. Edgar is still providing at Clinic 554, he says he thinks more people are turning to non-surgical abortions amid the pandemic. He doesn't have a number of how many are still being provided at the Clinic.
Dr. Edgar says abortion service at Clinic 554 hasn't decreased. Says the clinic is still providing reproductive care, gynecological cancer screening - but it's in a "transition" phase & they're pursuing the sale of the building.

Says they're not able to provide any ongoing care.
Dr. Edgar says he feels New Brunswick's PC government has "hardened their stance" since securing a majority in September's snap election.
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