1.Dust has settled on a bad night for United.
Citeh outplayed us for periods, but we got in behind them and pressed well at times.
The game was lively and end to end.
We paid the price for missing chances & compounded it by missing our chances, not scoring from our set plays then
2. We had chances & rushed them or had shots blocked by good defending.
Our defence was slack from both set pieces but I will not apportion blame, though both were easily preventable.
I was reasonably happy with the team selection at kick off so will not revise it afterwards.
3. The hybrid diamond leaves Rashford out of position and Pogba too far forward.
The latter was decent last night but he will always make a defensive error or sulk when the ball doesn't run his way.
Rashford on the right takes away his most effective attribute & so weakens us.
4. Having to use Pogba is not Solkskjaer's fault & he needs to use the squad he has got.
Bruno was wasteful & looks knackered - Citeh benefitted from their Covid break and time on the training ground.
They were very slick but United had them rattled at times. We are still a
5. work in progress that will take time to catch the top teams.
We had them rattled & the disallowed goal 1st half showed that.
Fine margins make the difference. This wasn't a match bottled, just beaten by a better team. Selections may have been different, but I trust Ole.
6. Over reacting will not help, sacking the manager won't either.We need to suck it up & support the team - No scape goating, slating individuals or hounding players. They see this shit, they need to see our support for them, the manager and the club.
This is when we do our job.
7. Solskjaer has made 7 signings.
It is clear more are needed, but overall we are going in the right direction.
We need to ensure we get top 4 again and hope we win a pot.
Consecutive top 4 finish is the target, with a reduced points deficit or better position.
8. This is not about standards, desire or pashun.
It is about rebuilding step by step to get to the top.
We are all hurt, none more so than Solskjaer.
Stick together, support the players & sort your head out if you have a Jose avi or "on loan" in your bio.
9. Rome was not built in a day & the club was rotten to the core, Jose's short term success was no more than a sticking plaster.
Patience & respect is needed.
There will be bumps in the road, but we are going in the right direction. Better days are coming.
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