Before I resume tweeting about football today, I want to make one thing clear to all of you. I am always on the side of peace and love. But what transpired yesterday was an inexcusable embarrassment to the self proclaimed progress we’ve made in this country.
Over the last 4 years we’ve seen constant turmoil, fueled by an elected official of the highest public office we have. This isn’t an issue of anything other than blatant anarchy and racism taking place in the depths of this country and yesterday, the world got to see that.
Too all of my non-American followers, I am so sorry that you had to sit and watch that. This isn’t what represents most Americans. The majority of us are calm hearted, level headed, educated folks trying to move ahead in a world that is run by these degenerates.
To all of my American followers, remain peaceful. Remain kind. But never forget what transpired yesterday. This was an attempted coup by some of our very own citizens after due process was already completed. Recognize those that took part in this yesterday.
And by recognize, I do not say that as a positive note. We must understand that these anarchists exist in our country and they are nothing less than a domestic terror group woven into the very fabric of our nation. I’m embarrassed for us all today.
Today, I’ll put my uniform on that reads “U.S. Air Force,” as I do every day, but I’ll do it with a little less pride and an ounce of embarrassment, and that saddens me.
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