If y'all can empathize more with white supremacists trying to destroy the country more than Black protesters who have endured 401 years of being denied their humanity -- that's part of the problem right there.
I'm hearing too many excuses trying to justify the domestic terrorism. Trying to describe these white people's economic status (rather incorrectly) doesn't give them the right to disrupt democracy.

Black people done went through Jim Crow and have NEVER done this.
For all of the excuses people are trying to make in humanizing these domestic terrorists, please be sure to remind yourself how much you spent years separating yourself from #BlackLivesMatter and allowed conservatives to call them "Black Identity Extremists."
I'm disgusted by a lot of these Black politicians, too. Yes, you all who keep trying to act like we are living in the same America that these white terrorists live in.

We don't.

They break shit, they live.

We protest, we die.

We are not the same.
To play both sides is being complicit with it. These Democrats are still trying to appeal to a group of treasonists who want them disempowered. They really have so much hope, patience, and grace for bigots who are partaking in sedition more than Black voters who got them elected.
Stop thanking Black women for saving this democracy when you continue to humanize the very traitors who are trying to unpend it.

Talking out the side of your mouth won't get you far in 2021.

The chickens are coming home to roost.
Funny how I keep hearing white people be allowed to damage property, violate federal guidelines, terrorize government officials, threaten civility, tout guns, and be thugs -- all because they are "hurt blue-collar, working class people" but poor Black people must "go high."

If there was anything that was learned from yesterday, it was:

Police/GOP is here for the shit. (always)
Democrats are passive/complicit with the shit. (always)
Black people are all we got. (always)
White people get it, they just don't care. (always)
News media has failed us.
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