#Chicago: Business owners & operators who attended the coup. (I'm trying to confirm all of these before posting them) #thread
The owner of Insight Studios on Milwaukee Ave has been deleting comments relating to this. There's a screenshot circulating with the names of the folks in the photos, but that's unconfirmed right now.
The owner of Tank Noodle on Argyle Ave posted a screenshot of their plane ticket + them on the plane. Their Yelp page has been plastered with reviews relating to this.
Here's the screenshot with the names of the artists from Invision Studios: https://twitter.com/tradishskinbyrd/status/1347021924220628993?s=20
Folks have identified the other person in the photo as Henry Chang, the owner of Wakamono Sushi, Wang's, & Ping Pong.
For clarity:
(Screenshots from FB posts identifying the folks in the photos)
Someone spoke to one of the artists from Insight who attended. He claimed to "be there for the spectacle." Here's their post: (yetti M has been doing a LOT of heavy lifting to call out that biz on instagram)
It looks like Thien is a MANAGER at Tank Noodle. Another manager, posted this yesterday as well:
Karen Toner (LaVere) identified. They're co-owner of Balboa's in nearby Naperville.
They went viral earlier this year for racist comments. (comment screencap from earlier this year)
And FYI- They did apologize for the comments earlier this year. Just want to be as transparent as possible.
Screencaps source: https://twitter.com/Purrdonme/status/1268928768900505603?s=20
The tattoo studio is DEFINITELY Insight Studios! Not Invision. Someone reached out about the typo.
Some clearer screenshots: Thu Ly is one of the owners of Tank Noodle.
Libby Andrews of [at]Realty was terminated from their position as agent today. Scroll through for a pic of the champagne they used to celebrate "storming the capital".
"Swizzle" Steve Krok of Swizzlesteve Presents was in DC yesterday.
They apparently DJ or do music at Brauer House in Lombard as well.
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