Well Canadians,

Although what happens in America does affect us we have zero say in their matters. There will be lots of discussion & speculation going on but let’s remember to focus on what we can have an impact on...Canada.

The same media that ignored the violence last fall from the BLM/Defund the police protests or were ok with protestors storming the US capital during the Kavanaugh hearings will zero in on what happened yesterday to demonize an entire group of people for the actions of a few.

This is to be expected as that is what the Canadian media is paid to do. Distract you. It’s why they mention the US president more then the Canadian PM.

For the next few days our headlines will be about far right extremists & racism. We expect this.

Far left extremists last fall killed people, beat people, burned down neighbourhoods, took over cities etc but it’s the far right (who can be anyone they disagree with) will be the problem.

If Canada has an election in 2021 expect Trudeau & the media to use this, they will.

Long story short, there is a lot going on, a lot to be upset about, but let’s focus on Canada & what we can impact.

The deck is stacked against good & honest people in Canada, so let’s help & join our fellow Canadians protesting for freedom.

In Canada. 🇨🇦
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