I've been awake for an hour, reading the news, and trying to think what to say, and I am not even sure.
I just have no time for posturing like this. No time at all. It was so clear where we were headed for a long while. https://twitter.com/mediaite/status/1347157682617262080
The president won an election *in 2016* with violent rhetoric and various uniformed suporters groups. Historians and political scientists know what that is. It's authoritarian.
I have questioned the president directly about this. I have questioned his press secretaries. There is nothing to be surprised about. Nothing just happened yesterday.
So many people participated in this politics and acted like it was business as usual. The president and his allies - specifically Rudy Giuliani -want to condemn this now as though they didn't incite it.
We have multiple media outlets and a slew of elected officials who have blatantly, falsely told a huge segment of the poulation that their votes were stolen. Where would they think that ends? Of course people were enraged.
One thing that struck me in talking with many of the people who stormed the Capitol yesterday is that I would ask them what they wanted or hoped to accomplish and they didn't know. They just wanted Trump. It's all just Trump.
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