The first important thing to realize is that they won. They got in the Capitol, ran amok for an afternoon, took selfies and live-streamed their conquest and, after the President told them he loved them, they left.
Nothing we can do now changes the fact that they won yesterday. And we cannot effectively understand or deal with them if we don’t see this as their victory.
The second important thing that we have to understand right now is that they are violent racists. This isn’t just pro-Trump. This is some of the very same people from Charlottesville looting the Capitol.
These evil fucks brought a Confederate flag into the US Capitol and set up a gallows outside to protest the election of a Catholic Obama man and his black VP. Look at our history. Look at yesterday. You don’t even have to connect the dots. You just have to recognize the line.
This country was founded as a white supremacist haven for rich landowners to do whatever the fuck they wanted. The mistake they made was that their most eloquent propagandist was also something of a romantic. So, he threw in all that bullshit about all men being equal and having
the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And ever since then we have been at war with ourselves over whether “all men” means everybody in the US or whether it just means whites guys and the women and minorities they like.
And the very sad and scary truth is that this country was conceived of as a place where “all men” was just rich white male landowners. It’s just that a bunch of us, since the beginning, have been forcing that phrase to be bigger than they intended. We see the possibility and
want to force it for our own well-being. These racist assholes want the phrase to be small enough to make them the special people who get to run things.
If you want more information on yesterday’s victors, spend some time in the archives of @idsgpod and @bastardspod. American Hysteria also has had some really good overviews of the movements that brought us to this point. And there are others, but those three are great starts.
You can follow @AuntB.
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