So now that Trump has accepted defeat, and the Congress has done their appointed task I want to speak to you: the people who read my tweets on twitter.

We have all been suffering from a mania and fear over the last 4 years. A mania built over 2 decades.
We can set things right but we must acknowledge the madness of the last 20 years, and how people in power lead us to madness. And they lead us to madness because we asked them to the fecklessness of our politics [ on both sides ] was driven by us. We rewarded this behaviour
The othering of political opponents and opposing ideas is the legacy of the greatest generation and the baby boomers in our politics. And we their children, grand children, and great grand children have accepted this legacy as normative on our country
President Trump is a inheritor of this legacy. He didnt start or push the agenda forward....he was riding the wave like the rest of us. We are saying political violence the likes of which we didnt see since the end of the 19th century.
That foolishness was burned out of us by two things; building social capital and infrastructure, and the World War I-Spanish Flu-Great Depression-World War II-Cold War.

This sort of foolishness was cured by people building our country up AND by blood
People talking about " The 25th Amendment " or blaming people who did foolish constitutional but lawful objections in Congress are people who want to worsen the current crisis. They want to worsen the current crisis because they feel their status grants them privileges
Persons who view themselves as your rightful masters will not be regulated by constitutions and laws, they will only be regulated by what they can get away with. And they will destroy anyone who does what they disagree with assuming they will act the same.
Trump is a reflection of people on the rights perception of the Obama years. Obama taught people what the new politics were and Trump was the product. The Biden campaign won selling fear to senior citizens and the suburban-managerial class of voters. Who taught them that?
Obama's politics are born from what people in the left felt was done to them in the George W Bush years. George W Bush the Clinton years. Clinton was the reaction to the Reagan years: and that's where my living memory runs out. But I am reminded of the Wisdom of Hillel
What you find evil in yourself do not do to another.

Our politics violates the Silver. That's why our politics is so evil and destructive. We do things politically [ and we've made culture part of politics] that we find evil in ourselves to others.
If we want our politics to change we have to stop rewarding this behaviour. If a politician feeds this beast he needs to face two challenges [ primary and general election] and those challenges need to be funded as liberally as you are able to
You may be a hard core leftist progressive.....but to stop this you need to be prepared not only to primary AOC [ for example] but to vote for a Republican to show politicians you are serious as THEIR BOSS this behaviour in your employees needs to stop.
Television and media personalities [ ESPECIALLY social media influencers] who encourage this need to be rejected. You need to turn them off and pursue the good. When we pursue the good we will get good. When we pursue the bad and mediocre we will get that
If you have family and friends who encourage this stuff: Love them, dont reject them. But tell them you dont live this behaviour. Tell them why you feel its wrong. But tell them you love them and hope they will change.

Rejecting them will only make this worse
These are the easy first steps. We need to say where the line us and we need to enforce it. Building back the social capital is a lot harder. But if we cant draw a line " This far, and no farther" we will never replace social capital
Glenn Beck has a legitimate political perspective. So does Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh. If they cant get advertising to fund their shows how will their audiences be served? If they have to go to less reputable advertising [ buy gold now] how will their perspective be tainted
If people fear stating political opinions in PUBLIC then people will presume they are acting in private. This Episode goes into the evils that come from that thinking. A LOT of Ds9 is very prescient writing
But we have to draw lines. You dont want a spousal abuser to prosper. You certainly dont want to give one a TV show after being exposed as one.

If you do things like this then you cant hold the line. You cant hold a space where people can disagree without being disagreeable
This is not to say people cant walk a path to redemption but that path needs to be driven by an acceptance of being wrong and a good faith effort to make a change for the better. Basically this guy is the model you want to have for accountability and redemption
But doing this stuff is very hard. It means we have to believe things. We have to believe things that are bigger then ourselves. And we have been taught ( and are being taught) by stakeholders in our culture that is wrong.

We need to rebuke that line of thinking
We are being taught by people it is wrong to.want to live your best life. We should accept the Truth of a bad hand of cards. That is a bad morality that feeds the beast that got us Trump. Trump isn't Maxwell Lord. Maxwell lord actually believes in something
Culture matters because if culture reinforces not being heroic, being small, needing authority to save you it shapes how you see and react to your world
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