washington dc has more cops per square inch than anyplace on the planet. park cops, city cops, capitol cops, feds, national guard, secret service... they could’ve had the place crawling with them. i’ve never seen such a copless landscape as the mall & capitol grounds yesterday. https://twitter.com/bhalpin/status/1347157237018619906
a few weeks ago, they had 25+ cops manning roadblocks at dozens of intersections. HUNDREDS of cops whose whole job it was to prevent passage of pedestrians. this is how they handle crowds who want black liberation. https://twitter.com/socialistdogmom/status/1337617523399921664
i walked the mile & a half from the washington monument to the capitol steps yesterday just before 1pm. i saw not. one. single. police officer. i saw a woman squat down and take a piss in the middle of the national mall using her trump flag cape to hide her bare ass. but no cops.
once thousands of people had packed into the capitol lawn, i was genuinely worried that “effective” crowd control measures would cause a stampede. i was actively planning what i would do with my body to avoid being crushed to death.
but why did they let the crowd get so close in the first place? i arrived at the capitol in the first wave. people were still expressing uncertainly about whether we’d be allowed to step over the quickly trampled plastic fencing with no trespassing signs.
there was no police perimeter. they knew people would come. they announced specific intentions to come to that place at that time. it was on a fucking printed brochure! it wasn’t spontaneous. there was no police line outside to reinforce the paper signs that told them no.
i stand corrected: a few minutes before i got there, the crowd overtook the perimeter around the capitol which appears to have been 6 cops and a bike rack.
they could’ve stopped this if they wanted to. https://twitter.com/philipindc/status/1347028917685800961
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