I have done nothing but read about attachment theory for the past year and I am here to ask you:

PLEASE ease up on your kids.

PLEASE stop living through your children.

It is a form of narcissistic parenting and it traumatizes them for life.

PLEASE consider not controlling your kids' bodies by forcing them into activities they don't want to do. It teaches them to look for relationships in which they will be codependent and controlled and betray themselves for partners' approval. It can only be undone with therapy.
It is natural to want the best for your kids. But that means teaching them autonomy and the right to draw boundaries, including against you. Overscheduling kids and loading them down with your parental expectations only prepares them for a lifetime of deep anxiety.
And by the way, please stop "tiger parenting." When kids grow up with parents who never think anything is good enough, those kids *may* be high-achieving -- but they will always feel they are going through the motions, that nothing really matters, and have low self-esteem
If you are a parent, or you are a high-achieving person, and you have trouble talking about emotions because you're worried you'll be abandoned: That's normal.

I beg you to read these books so you can understand where the dark parts of you come from, and start to heal them.
ESPECIALLY dads. If you are a father or want to be, PLEASE read these books because so much patriarchal programming tells men to suppress their emotions. It is okay and healthy and *desirable* for men to understand and befriend their emotions. It helps your kids, too.
TL; DR there's nothing "wrong" with you and you are not harboring some horrible flaw that will send people fleeing. Your emotions were just rejected by parents or teachers and that quieted you/turned you against yourself to keep them happy. You're yelling now to finally be heard.
Everyone on this website is yelling all the time. Now stop doing that to your kids, pls. If you're a man, please read those books and consider therapy to make you okay with yourself. If you're a mom, stop burning yourself out and doing everything for everyone. Explanation here:
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