Thread. Parkinsons is a disease process which may or may not deeply affect how I quiz. Though there's no doubt the medication creates irregular bouts of tiredness that don't really help.
But getting probable covid in March was in many ways worse because it totally knocked out my enthusiasm for engaging with what was going on in the real world.
In 2020 emerged some quiz heroes who organised stuff. Leagues, competitions etc. Online Quiz League. Wikiquiz. 30@6pm. Quarantine Quiz League. The BQA. Mimir's Well.
As a result I get to quiz against the best in the UK and the vest in the world. Relentlessly.
As my dopamine depletes, I spend every day pushing myself, at both non speed and speed quizzing.
And the results have been notable. And just once, I'd like a journalist, instead of making up clickbaity unresearched shit, show some interest in my belief that Parkinson's can be the beginning of a journey, not the end.
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