The level of complicity with Trump by the Democratic Party will always be the unwritten story.
Pelosi cynically knew her sideways claps and paper-tearing would distract most voters.

But the truth is that Dem leaders fast-tracked Trump's judges, funded his key policies, refused to wield power against his thugs, reduced impeachment to a farce, and kept the oligarchs happy.
Dem leaders didn't lift a finger to get kids out of cages, prevent police brutality, or stop ICE from terrorizing immigrants.

But Pelosi pushed to give Trump MORE surveillance powers.

Dems funded the bloated military budget while attacking #MedicareForAll.

These are facts.
Of course the GOP is a white supremacist, oligarch-funded party. I've been saying that for 20 years. I wrote a book about it. But Dems need accountability too.

And yes, yes, the establishment trolls will swarm this thread and scream at me. But they can't contest a single fact.
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