I took my Investigation to Kaduna State on the 2nd of Jan 2021. To unravel the truth behind the Kaduna sex party, and the demolished ASHER KINGS & QUEENS RESTAURANT. Alleged as venue.

Thread #EndSARS
From my findings, i discovered that, Gov @elrufai has continuously used KASUPDA. (Kaduna State Urban Planning And Development Agency) to target the properties of his political opponents in Kaduna state. He targets christian owned businesses. Especially the ones in southern Kaduna
Just like Asher Kings & Queens restaurant was demolished on flimsy excuse, KASUPDA has in the last one year demolished 4 flourishing hospitality businesses in Southern Kaduna alone. Under the leadership of DG, Isma'i Umaru Dikko.
In may 2020, Gov @elrufai used KASUPDA, to demolish a popular Pub, located at Command junction, in Southern Kaduna. GM CAR PARK AND RELAXATION CENTRE, on flimsy excuse. But after investigation, i discovered that the owner is Igbo (Emeka Ugwua) Christian, & friends to PDP members.
On Monday 20th July 2020, at about 5:44am, while guests were still asleep, Gov @elrufai sent in the Bulldozers of KASUPDA, into the popular GREEN APPLE HOTEL/NIGHT CLUB in Naraiyi High Cost Area of southern Kaduna.
As early as 5:30am, the hotel was sourounded by men of SARS.
But after digging deep to know the true reasons, behind the demolition, i discovered that. The hotel is owned by Mrs Laureticia Mallam. A former minister of Environment under @GEJonathan, and a strong PDP stalwart in Kaduna state. Infact, her son runs and manages the hotel.
On the 31st of December 2020, Gov @elrufai approved the demolition of EMPIRE HOTEL at high cost junction, Southern Kaduna. The hotel was brought down to rubbles. But the true story behind it's demolition, will bring tears to your eyes. If you are a Nigerian with conscience.
After digging deep, to know the truth behind it's demolition, i discovered that Empire hotel only crime is, it is close to a mosque, owned by a christian, and runs a Night club.
Some Jihadist wrote to the management of the hotel in the past.
Asking them to shut down the hotel, & the night club. That, it is too close to a mosque. But the hotel management ignored them. Since Gov @elrufai appointed Isma'i Umaru Dikko, a known religious fundamentalist as DG KASUPDA in 2019, he took it upon himself, to fight Empire Hotel.
Despite the fact that, the Hotel is located in a predominantly, christian dominated South. He used his office, as KASUPDA DG, to promote the agendas of the Islamic Jihadist. And alas, Gov @elrufai gave the approval for it's demolition on flimsy excuse as usual.
On the 31st of December 2020, on the same day Empire Hotel was demolished, Gov @elrufai, through KASUPDA, went for the property, and business of Mrs Aisha Mercy Yakubu. The wife of Kaduna state @OfficialPDPNig PRO Alberah Catoh. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
2 trucks of heavily armed @PoliceNG officers were sent to Asher Kings & Queens restaurant, on the 27th of Dec 2020. In what the govt through KASUPDA claimed, to be the venue for the Kaduna sex party.
The CEO & Owner, Aisha Mercy Yakubu, was arrested and datained for a night.
Her husband, Alberah Catoh, the Kaduna State PDP PRO, was invited by the state @PoliceNG command, for questioning over the Kaduna sex party. He went there voluntarily, after which, he was allowed to go home. But unknown to him, the government had it's own agenda.
The commissioner of @PoliceNG Kaduna state, immediately called a press conference, even without conducting a proper Investigation. He claimed to have arrested 4 suspects, in connection with the Kaduna Sex party, and they all confessed to have participated in organizing it.
The commissioner of police Kaduna state, Umaru Muri, went ahead to name the @OfficialPDPNig PRO Alberah Catoh, as one of those arrested, & he confessed to have participated in organizing the Kaduna sex party. He later paraded 4 suspects for the crime, without Alberah being among.
After the press conference, Bulldozers were rolled into, Asher Kings and Queens restaurant by KASUPDA.
That was how a 34 million naira investment, was targeted, because of political reasons.
We can all see why State Police, will be a mess in the hands of Governors like @elrufai
Kaduna State Gov @elrufai has always used flimsy excuses, to target businesses, just like he did with Asher Kings & Queens restaurant. He claimed immorality, as the reason for demolition. That the facility is promoting illicit sex. Which is against the extant laws of the state.
But him and his likes in Kaduna State, are the champions on illicit sex party promotion.
Just a stroll to NAF club Kaduna, will convince you about my claim.
On the street of this very club, you will see prostitutes lined up, including Hausa Prostitutes well vailed.
Inside the club, is a home of illicit sex, and sexual abuse. But that is a story for another day. Why didn't @elrufai demolish it, for promoting illicit sex and alcohol. Because it is meant for him and his friends. Both military, and political friends. And is in Kaduna North.
Even the home of sex, drugs and alcohol in Kaduna central, (Obalende) is still standing up till date.
But @elrufai since assuming office as governor, has systematically targeted the people of southern Kaduna. Their economy, their properties, their politics, and theirs religion.
KASUPDA also claimed to have demolished Asher Kings and Queens restaurant, for flouting Covid-19 guidelines. But here is a video clip from the @OfficialAPCNg secretariat in Kaduna state, just before Christmas. Why has @elrufai not demolished the secretariat as the party leader.
After Nigerians decended heavily, on @elrufai over the demolition of Asher Kings and Queens restaurant, KASUPDA, in an afterthought move, tried to downplay the sinister motives of the Gov @elrufai agenda against his political opponents. They made a U-turn, on the sex party claims
& Covid-19 flouting claims. Blaming their official Twitter page handler, of misinforming the public. That the main reason for the demolition was as a result of land titles (C of O). Even without notifying the occupants of the property of demolition, or presenting a Court order.🙄
Continuation of the KASUPDA U-turn on Asher Kings and Queens restaurant, it demolished.
This new claim by KASUPDA, officially indicts the Commissioner of @PoliceNG, Kaduna State Umaru Muri. Who organized a press conference, where he claimed to have arrested 4 suspects in connection to the Kaduna sex party. Of which Alberah Catoh, the state PDP PRO was among.
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