A reminder that Trump has many far-right allies across Europe who have gone very quiet today.

Predictably, some are already downplaying yesterday's insurrection and saying it was just a protest with a few bad apples and that Trump bears no responsibility. https://twitter.com/davidmacdougall/status/1347147107107532801
Trump ally Le Pen distanced herself from him this morning and decried the insurrection.

Strangely, she went on to say she hopes Macron doesn't import "the worst of the US, the political and ethnic divisions" into France.

This is in fact her specialty. https://twitter.com/MLP_officiel/status/1347109469235277824?s=20
Meanwhile "Italy Trump" Matteo Salvini tweeted last night a vague "violence is never the solution" statement.

Hours earlier his far-right party put out a quote from him calling on Italians to "return to the streets" to protest against the government he was in just 1 year ago.
Meanwhile Finnish far-right MEP Laura Huhtasaari, the darling of Brexiteer right-wing UK media, says that this was merely "a demonstration that got out of hand" and Trump bears absolutely no responsibility. https://twitter.com/LauraHuhtasaari/status/1347014752942366722?s=20
And Boris Johnson, who once seemed thrilled when the president called him "Britain Trump", has failed to name Trump for inciting the violence as have other leaders like Dutch PM Mark Rutte.

Brexiteers have aligned themselves closely with Trumpism.
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