What can be said that hasn't been already? Probably not much, but here are a few scattered thoughts on yesterday's events in the US:
First, the Democrats just regained the Senate. Narrowly, yes, but Georgia has rejected Trump(ism) for the second time in the space of a few months. Starting soon the White House, Senate, and House will all be in Democratic hands (again, barely).
Second, the institutions held. This time. There is absolutely no question that the quality of democracy in the United States has been severely damaged by what culminated yesterday. The question is whether it can be repaired.
Third, Cruz/Hawley and their ilk have shown that they are willing to destroy American democracy to further their own political ambition. Say what you will about Pence or McConnell (and there's plenty to say), they stopped. Too little too late, OK, but they eventually stopped.
Fourth, $. This is a frontal assault on democracy, yes, but it's also a craven business opportunity for some. https://twitter.com/AlexDukalskis/status/1347095862493798401?s=20
Fifth, Josh Hawley should resign. https://twitter.com/AlexDukalskis/status/1347119801307713536?s=20
Sixth, I know some people don't like it when this is raised, but scenes like this make the job of autocrats much easier. Democracy = chaos; "see they're no better than us"; "aren't you happy for the stability we provide?" etc, etc. etc. You're already seeing it.
Seventh, on impeachment: only if you think you have the Senate on board, which is doubtful. Sure I guess it sends a message, but unless you have the S votes it's also just another fundraising opportunity and way for trump to stay relevant. Better to get working on legislation.
Eighth and finally, where does the GOP go from here? We've now seen the logical conclusion of Trumpism, and we've also seen it rejected at the polls. This was even too much for McConnell! I'm pessimistic but really do hope that the GOP steps back from its authoritarian path.

Working on a day after something like this happens =
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